Knowledge Transfer Event in Austria: Jazz in der Kulturlandschaft Österreich

On July 2, 2012, the Institute for Jazz Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Franz Kerschbaumer organized a one-day symposium, in cooperation with the Music Information Center Austria (MICA) through their representative Helge Hinteregger and held on MICA’s premises as part of Jazz Fest Wien. Entitled “Jazz in the Austrian Cultural Landscape”, the symposium dealt with the role and importance of jazz in Austria, with jazz experts from different fields of the current jazz scene presenting their views on the topic. A round table discussion concluded the event.

The symposium was opened by Rhythm Changes project associate Christa Bruckner-Haring (KUG), who presented an overview of the research project, including its main aims and contents. Michael Kahr (KUG) talked about the Graz research project Jazz & the City: Identität einer Jazz(haupt)stadt [Identity of a jazz capital], also anchored at the KUG Institute for Jazz Research. Fritz Thom, a concert and festival organizer since decades and founder of the agency Live Performance Service (LPS), in his talk “Entwicklung der Jazzfestivals in Österreich und Positionierung im internationalen Kontext” [Development of jazz festivals in Austria and positioning within an international context] offered insight into the organization of jazz events and successful jazz festivals such as “Jazzfest Wiesen”, “Jazzfestival Hollabrunn” and “Jazz Fest Wien”. The next speaker, Ines Dominik – a vocalist and teacher at the Konservatorium Wien University and KUG, as well as a freelance journalist – discussed her view of the current role of jazz and the situation of jazz musicians (principally of the younger generation), including personal experiences, in her lecture “Stimmiger Jazz” [Harmonious jazz]. Researcher and music journalist Andreas Felber covered jazz in the media, claiming “Und sie existiert doch: Mediale Berichterstattung über Jazz in Österreich” [And still it exists: media coverage of jazz in Austria]. Although Felber sees a decline in jazz coverage in traditional media (television, radio, and print media) in recent years, he emphasized the importance of recognizing the quality reportage on jazz in radio and newspapers that does still exist. The second lecture session started with musician, composer and label owner Christoph Pepe Auer, who told the story of “Session Work Records: Ein Jazzlabel aus Österreich” [A jazz label from Austria] – why he began his own label and how he managed to build it into a successful company in a rather short period of time. Musician and university professor Heinrich von Kalnein (KUG) focussed in his presentation”Universal Codes: Zur Situation des österreichischen Jazz aus universitärer Sicht” [The situation of Austrian jazz from an academic point of view] on Austrian jazz education, specifically university teachers and students.

The final round table discussion included Christoph Pepe Auer, Ines Dominik, Andreas Felber, Heinrich von Kalnein, and Paul Zauner, a musician, jazz promoter and label owner, and was dedicated to the question: Does an Austrian identity in jazz exist? In the debate with the audience it became clear that very different opinions exist in this matter: Some believed that Austrian jazz does indeed have its own identity, defined by the playing style(s) of Austrian musicians and useful for promotional purposes. Some, on the other hand, saw no evidence for such an identity, and still others saw no musical or promotional advantage in the idea of a national identity, considering the country’s shadowed past and the problematic nature of nationalistic ideas.

The different perspectives of the invited jazz experts helped frame an overall picture of the role and position of jazz in Austria during the one-day symposium; when the subject of national identity arose, the very different viewpoints of Austrian jazz experts and jazz enthusiasts came to light. Altogether, the results of the symposium are important not only for the Austrian project results, but also form a significant part of the overall Rhythm Changes project outcomes and comparisons with the partner countries.

Call for papers – Conference Transnational Mediascapes: Sound and Vision in Europe


Transnational Mediascapes: Sound and Vision in Europe – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, May 14th-15th, 2013

Deadline for applications: February 28th, 2013 The conference will take place at the Department of Media and Performing Arts, Catholic University of Milan, in association with Ce.R.T.A. – Centro di Ricerca sulla Televisione e gli Audiovisivi and ALMED – Alta Scuola in Media, Comunicazione e Spettacolo.

Media studies have been forced by convergence, digitization and globalization to look beyond the traditional structure of national media systems, histories and habits, and to begin to analyse their phenomena according to a wider, and more complex, point of view. On one side, they have started to reconstruct the global flows of information and entertainment, the basis of a “mainstream culture” that unifies – at least partially – different geographical, political, social and cultural areas. On the other, they have begun to follow media products and trends in their complex paths across various countries and macro-regions, underlining both the differences and the deep similarities in shapes and meanings, in production processes as well as in consumption practices. Especially in the field of television and sound studies, in recent years, some progresses have been made towards a transnational point of view on historical processes and on contemporary developments, both finding shared theories, methodologies, and analytical tools, and identifying useful case studies and histories. The conference will address two main topics in two different daily sessions:

Day 1: Transnational Television: Towards a Comparative TV History
Day 2: Transnational Soundscapes: Sound and the Media in Europe

Day 1

Transnational Television: Towards a Comparative TV History

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, May 14th, 2013

Following the comparative approach to European television established by recent works as Jonathan Bignell and Andreas Fickers: A European Television History (2008) and Jérôme Bourdon’s Du service public à la télé-réalité. Une histoire culturelle des télévisions européennes (2011), the focus on trans-nationality in television is one of the most compelling and current challenges for TV studies. If the medium is still deeply national in many aspects, in fact, digitization and globalization include TV into wider multi-national exchanges of ideas, formats, programmes, genres, trends, and also viewing practices.

Confirmed keynote speakers: Jérôme Bourdon (Tel Aviv University), John Ellis (Royal Holloway, London), Peppino Ortoleva (University of Turin). There will be also the presentation of the latest issues of View. Journal of European Television History and Culture and Comunicazioni sociali.

Abstracts are invited for contributions to the conference that will seek to compare television histories, genres, trends, production, and distribution practices across different countries and regions, in Europe as well as in the rest of the world, offering a wide approach on methods, theories and case histories.

The topics can include:

  • The (im)possibility of a transnational history of television;
  • Definitions and methods for the comparative approach;
  • Public Service Broadcasting, Commercial TV and Pay TV across different countries;
  • Logics of broadcasting in different countries;
  • Production practices in different countries;
  • Scheduling practices in different countries;
  • TV brands in different countries;
  • Genre definitions and redefinition in different countries;
  • Textual evolutions in different countries;
  • Consumption practices in different countries;
  • Transnational circulation of TV products;
  • Production and consumption macro-areas (i.e. European Community, English-speaking countries);
  • Original research findings on single case histories across two or more nations.

Scholars from all areas of TV and media studies are invited to submit proposals for contributions.

Each speaker will have about 20 minutes of speaking time.

Proposals (250 words, written in English, French or Italian), along with short biographical notes and key bibliographical references, are due by February 28th. Submissions should be sent to Attilia Rebosio,

Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than March 10th.

Day 2

Transnational Soundscapes: Sound and the Media in Europe

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, May 15th, 2013

In post-WWII Europe, popular culture began to relate to a wide range of mediatized practices, at the centre of which the growing music industry essentially revolutionized the media- and soundscapes we live in. This already convergent network expressed a wider social change towards modernity, mobility, new gender relations, that could also be felt as a generational shift. For us today it seems likely to have been the place for the building of individual and collective life histories, allowing an interpretation in terms of personal and collective memories and cultural heritage.

In order to begin a reconceptualization of such cultural practices, we are in need of more information concerning the historical background, the modes of production and the industrial strategies, the textual and paratextual output and the patterns and ways of consumption that characterized the crucial encounter between audio-visual media and popular music, gathering different methodological perspectives as much as comparing different national or transnational trajectories.

As a consequence, the aim of this symposium is to explore from a comparative perspective, European popular culture in its crucial journey towards mediatization from 1945 to the Seventies, as an exemplary trajectory for its seemingly excessive foregrounding of music and sounds within the national film, radio and television cultures and the transnational mediascape. Topics of papers may include:

  • popular music and media industry
  • european Media industry vs American media industry
  • amplification and high fidelity;
  • audiovisual performance and the canonization of popular forms;
  • national/transnational pop music and culture;
  • popular music in film, radio and television;
  • cross-media singers and performers;
  • stardom and fandom.

Confirmed keynote speakers are:

Franco Fabbri (University of Turin), Andreas Fickers (Maastricht University), Wolfgang Mühl-Benninhaus (Humboldt Universität Berlin)

Scholars from all areas of media and popular music studies are invited to submit proposals for contributions.

Each speaker will have about 20 minutes of speaking time.

Proposals (max. 250 words, written in English, French or Italian), along with short biographical notes and key bibliographical references, are due by February 28th. Submissions should be sent to Attilia Rebosio,

Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than March 10th.

Rethinking Jazz Cultures – Conference registration

Registration for the 2013 Rhythm Changes II: Rethinking Jazz Cultures Conference is now open. There is an early bird rate and discounted rate for student delegates. Please note that the early bird deadline expires on 28 February. Click here to visit the online registration pages.

Visit the Conference pages of the website for information about travel and accommodation.

If you have submitted a proposal for the event, you will shortly be receiving feedback on your abstract. The Conference Committee received a record number of proposals for the event and Rethinking Jazz Cultures promises to break new ground, being the largest international jazz research conference to date.

Jazz Research Journal special double issue on jazz collectives

Congratulations to Rhythm Changes project team member Nick Gebhardt of Lancaster University for his sterling work as editor of a special DOUBLE issue (that’s over 200 pages, folks) of Jazz Research Journal on jazz collectives: history, theory, practice. You can read pieces in it by other Rhythm Changers, too, among other contributors: Christa Bruckner-Haring, Andrew Dubber, Petter Frost Fadnes, Loes Rusch, as well as Nick’s authoritative introduction. Vol. 5.1-2.


Prof George McKay
University of Salford
(sent from my phone)

Social Spaces of Music AHRC conference, Manchester February 13-14 2013

Social Spaces of Music AHRC conference, Manchester February 13-14 2013.

Music researchers have increasingly explored music as a social practice in which participants have varying degrees of engagement, seeking to analyse the ‘social spaces’ within which music is produced and consumed.  There are a number of competing conceptions of this ‘space’, including music ‘worlds’, ‘fields’, ‘scenes’ and ‘networks’.

This conference brings into dialogue different approaches to researching music, to consider how different conceptual and methodological approaches help us to explore the social spaces of music; and exploring a diverse range of musical genres/arenas including: folk, post-punk; hip-hop, electronica and post-rock; R&B and calypso; Riot Grrrl and Ladyfest; classical; and Italian opera.

Speakers include: Ruth Finnegan, Omar Lizardo, Andy Bennett, Karim Hammou, Marco Santoro, Sara Cohen, Nick Crossley, Nick Prior, Roberta Comunian, Laurence Brown, Keith Gildart, Tim Edensor, Martin Everett, Siobhan McAndrew, Susan O’Shea, Paul Hepburn, Paul Widdop, Isabelle Darmon, Fay Hield, Wendy Bottero

The conference is generously supported by CRESC and the AHRC ‘Music Communities’ pilot demonstrator project under the Connected Communities programme, AH/J006807/1.



Professor George  McKay  

AHRC Leadership Fellow | Connected Communities Programme

MediaCityUK, University of Salford, Manchester M50 2HE, UK

t: +44 (0) 161 295 2694  |  m: +44 (0)779 1077 074 | CCM Research Centre |

UK Jazz Services survey of Needs of the Jazz Community

UK agency Jazz Services is currently running a survey. From their email:

“The first initiative is the first-ever survey of the ‘Needs of the Jazz Community’ and gives everybody from musician, promoter, attenders, youth orchestras, educators, organisations – in fact the whole jazz scene – a chance to have their say. This is a great opportunity to voice your opinions on the needs of the jazz community through an online survey hosted on our website.

“The purpose of the exercise is to ascertain the needs of the UK jazz constituency, which will strengthen our case for the equitable treatment of jazz in the UK and inform funding bodies, potential sponsors, Parliament and Government on what is required to continue to develop a healthy jazz scene.

“By completing the survey you’ll be helping to address those needs and ensure that the jazz scene in the UK continues to grow, develop and maintain its vibrancy in the light of public sector cuts and an historical imbalance in the public funding of jazz. It also helps us map the demographic of the scene and enable us to better understand our audience and those we’re trying to help.”

The survey is accessible here:

Jazz in the New Europe/London Jazz Festival

There is a strong European theme at the London Jazz Festival this year. The Festival has been awarded a grant from the EU Culture Fund to expand its commitment to European programming. The Festival will feature several leading European artists and collaborations including a commission for Henri Texier to create new music for a transnational, mixed generational octet. John Cumming, Director of Serious and the London Jazz Festival (and Rhythm Changes project partner), comments on the importance of this initiative:

“Thanks to support from the Culture Programme of the European Union, this year’s London Jazz Festival presents an exciting programme of international collaboration, featuring the jazz giants and rising stars of the European jazz scene. The Festival will see musicians from across the continent working together to develop new music that breaks through frontiers whilst retaining the individual creativity of each participant. This spirit of exchange and collaboration is at the heart of the Jazz in the New Europe.”

The London Jazz Festival initiative builds on the work carried out by Serious over recent years, including the development of Take Five Europe and and numerous collaborations with European partners, including work with the Rhythm Changes team.

 Questions which are central to the Rhythm Changes project are also embedded within the festival programme. Project Leader Tony Whyton will be chairing the first of two public debates at the Royal Festival Hall on Tuesday 13 November on the theme of ‘Jazz in the New Europe’ which will include contributions from leading European musicians and journalists. Jonathan Scheele, Head of the European Commission Representation in the UK states:

“It is terrific that the Culture Programme of the European Union is supporting the London Jazz Festival, enabling this internationally renowned celebration of jazz to welcome even more European talent and to showcase exciting collaborations between European artists.”

Rhythm Changes commissioned photographer, Paul Floyd Blake, will also be capturing events at the Festival this year, the results of which will be included in the Rhythm Changes exhibition in 2013.

To find out more about the EU Culture Fund and the London Jazz Festival initiative click here

For details of the ‘Jazz in the New Europe’ panel click here