An international conference entitled “Global Circulations of Jazz” will be held on June 27-28, 2013, at the Musée du Quai Branly. Bringing together specialists, anthropologists, historians, musicologists, sociologists, the dissemination of jazz outside of its places of birth will be explored. We will look at this “other jazz”, whose history is little and poorly known. Jazz music circulated very early on and engendered particularly rich and fertile musical and cultural progeny around the world.
Papers are encouraged that will increase our understanding of the spread of jazz in South Africa, in Mauritius and in the Indian Ocean, South America and even in India and Asia. This “global” jazz prefigured the great movement of globalization of popular music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but remains poorly documented. The conference will bring together researchers from different countries, who have begun to address, preferably on an empirical basis, these secondary circuits of diffusion.
The conference will conclude with the screening of a documentary on the dissemination of jazz in India, Finding Carlton. Uncovering the Story of Jazz in India, followed by a discussion with the director, Susheel Kurien.
Organizing Committee:
Stéphane Dorin, CESSP (EHESS-CNRS-Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) – Catherine Servan-Schreiber, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS)
Panagiota Anagnostou (IEP Bordeaux) Anne Monier (EHESS), Nowak Florence (EHESS), Myrtille Picaud (EHESS).
Scientific Committee:
Chair: Steven Feld (University of New Mexico)
Marc Chemillier (EHESS), Stéphane Dorin (Université ? Paris 8), Tim Dowd (Emory University), Jean-Louis Fabiani (EHESS, CEU Budapest), Gisa Jähnichen (Humboldt-University of Berlin), Wenceslas Lizé (Université de Poitiers), Denis-Constant Martin (IEP Bordeaux), Carol Müller (University of Pennsylvania), Goffredo Plastino (University of Newcastle), Damon Phillips (Columbia), Olivier Roueff (CNRS), Marco Santoro (UniversitA? di Bologna), Catherine Servan-Schreiber (CNRS), Catherine Tackley (Open University).
Submitting papers:
This call for papers is aimed at scholars as well as doctoral students from various disciplines. Papers should rest on empirical work, while not being purely descriptive, and discuss the results, theoretical issues and methods. Papers around various countries and cultural areas are welcome, as well as those addressing the topics in a comparative perspective.
Proposals may be submitted in French or English. Each proposal shall contain the following:
- Author (s)
- Title (s)
- Affiliation (s)
- Discipline (s)
- Address (es)
- Title of the paper
- Summary (between 3000 and 4000 characters spaces included)
- Key references
Proposals should be sent in Word format before April 5, 2013 to the following address: