Author: Nick
Rhythm Changes Jazz Utopia conference: REGISTRATION NOW OPEN
Registration is now open for the fourth Rhythm Changes conference, Jazz Utopia, which will take place at Birmingham City University in the United Kingdom from 14 to 17 April 2016.
Proposal submission is now closed. Thank you to all whom submitted proposals! Registration is now open (please see Registration for further details).
The conference is hosted by the School of Media and the Faculty of Art, Design and Media, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom, and will be held at our City Centre campus.
Hotel and travel information:
The official conference hotel is Hotel LaTour. The conference rates are as follows:
1 person standard room: £100
2 person standard room: £110
To make a booking at these rates please email Clare Andrews ( and quote Jazz Utopia and the conference ID: 898952.
For information about travel go to: Visit Birmingham
If you have further enquiries, please email the conference team on:
Newly-inaugurated Improvisation Section of Society for Ethnomusicology
As the “Organizational Liaison” for the newly-inaugurated Improvisation Section of SEM, I am happy to announce that we have firmed up our plans for this year’s SEM meeting in Austin. I’d like to 1) inform you about our event schedule so that you may forward it to the Rhythm Changes list, and 2) to see if there is any way in particular you’d like to get involved with us this year. Whether or not you plan on attending SEM, I hope this information will be of interest to you and the rest of the Rhythm Changes group.
Here is what we have in store:
Thursday, December 3: Jam Session. Our Local Scene Liaison, Dave Wilson, has been working with some local Austin musicians to set up a jam session. It will take place starting at 8pm at the Museum of Human Achievement (MoHA), located a short car or bus ride from the city center. We will plan to meet in the lobby of the SEM conference hotel, the Hilton Austin (500 East Fourth St) at about 7:15, and travel in small groups by Uber or bus, depending on preferences. If you are interested in participating, please send a note to Dave ( indicating the instrument(s) you plan to bring, as well as whether there are any particular configurations you’d like to play in. This will allow Dave to arrange with local musicians for any necessary equipment and other considerations. The MoHA requests that its address not be made public, so if you do plan on attending, please contact me or Dave for that information, or just meet us in the hotel lobby.
Friday, December 4: Improvisation Section Meeting. 7-9pm, Room 414, Hilton Austin. We will devote the first half of the meeting to section business, while the second half will include very brief Year-in-Review talks by members as well as a roundtable discussion (specific themes and speakers TBD). We will also discuss future plans for coordinating with other regional/national organizations, with an eye towards the 2016 SEM meeting in Washington, DC.
Finally, we will soon be distributing a list of improvisation-related events at SEM to our email list, and will be posting that to our website as well. We also continue to solicit contributions to our shared Zotero bibliography on improvisation (
If you or any Rhythm Changes members are not on our email list and would like to be added, please contact our Co-Chair and Communications Officer, Mark Laver (, and/or visit our website,
Hope to see some of you in Austin!
The Cultural Politics of Jazz Collectives
The Cultural Politics of Jazz Collectives: This Is Our Music documents the emergence of collective movements in jazz and improvised music. Jazz history is most often portrayed as a site for individual expression and revolves around the celebration of iconic figures, while the networks and collaborations that enable the music to maintain and sustain its cultural status are surprisingly under-investigated. This collection explores the history of musician-led collectives and the ways in which they offer a powerful counter-model for rethinking jazz practices in the post-war period. It includes studies of groups including the New York Musicians Organization, Sweden’s Ett minne för livet, Wonderbrass from South Wales, the contemporary Dutch jazz-hip hop scene, and Austria’s JazzWerkstatt. With an international list of contributors and examples from Europe and the United States, these twelve essays and case studies examine issues of shared aesthetic vision, socioeconomic and political factors, local education, and cultural values among improvising musicians.
EFCF/JEN Jazz Research Fellowship
The first-ever EFCF/JEN Jazz Research Fellowship is intended to provide opportunities for a serious educator/student/music historian (such as senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students) to conduct a directed research Project associated with the archival collections at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. The project will be allowed up to two years to final completion or the fellowship money must be refunded in full. In addition, a final presentation of the project will take place at the Smithsonian Institution as well as at the Jazz Education Network (JEN) Conference. A written document/summation (non-exclusively) published through JEN is also required to be completed no later than six months after the final presentation. Deadline: March 31 – follow this link to apply
Also – all performance/ clinic/ research application for the 7th Annual JEN Conference, January 6-9 in Louisville, KY are due by March 31 to be considered for programming. Follow this link to apply
We hope to see many of you at the 7th Annual JEN Conference, January 6-9 in Louisville
Monika Herzig
Dr Monika Herzig
Arts Administration, SPEA 433
Indiana University
Jazz Pianist/ Composer
Have YOU joined JEN yet? Catch the buzz!
Jazz Education Network, Secretary
Let’s connect in Louisville, KY at the 7th Annual JEN Conference, January 6-9, 2016

Downtown New York Jazz Symposium
Downtown New York Jazz
Library of Birmingham, Heritage Learning Space
Thursday 5 June 2014
Free Entry
Ed McKeon (Director, Frontiers Festival)
11 am – 11:45 am
WIS (aka Warren Smith) in conversation with Rhys Chatham
12pm – 12:30pm
Professor Tim Wall (Birmingham City University)
“Jazz in Manhattan’s Lofts in the 1970s: David Murray, new jazz and its contribution to the founding of the Downtown Scene”
12:30pm – 1:30pm
Lunch (not provided)
1:30pm – 2pm
Dr. Kirsten Forkert (Birmingham City University)
“The Lower East Side and the politics of real estate”
2:15pm – 2:45pm
Tony Dudley-Evans (Jazzlines)
“Tim Berne: his role in the Downtown and Brooklyn scene.”
3pm – 3:30pm
Dr. Roger Fagge (University of Warwick)
”MacDougal Street Blues’: Jack Kerouac and Jazz Performance’.
3:45pm – 4:15pm
Dr. Nicholas Gebhardt (Birmingham City University)
“Friends and Neighbors: living with jazz”
This event is supported by the Library of Birmingham, Birmingham Conservatoire and the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research. It forms part of the Frontiers Festival: Extraordinary Music from Downtown New York & Birmingham
New Jazz Conceptions: History, Theory, Practice: Saturday 31st May 2014
New Jazz Conceptions: History, Theory, Practice
Saturday 31st May 2014
University of Warwick, UK
Provisional Programme
Booking Form
Booking Form
Directions and Maps B&B – on campus B&B – off campus
In recent years jazz studies has attempted to move beyond the canonical view of jazz as a narrative of great performers within an American context, becoming more interdisciplinary and international in its approach. This one-day conference will bring together Warwick, Midlands and National speakers to discuss current research in jazz, share ideas about methodologies for future study, and explore the link between academics and the practice of jazz in the wider community.
Speakers: Tony Whyton, Catherine Tackley, Andrew Hodgetts, Roger Magraw, Katherine Williams, Adrian Litvinoff, Simon Barber and Vic Hobson (National Jazz Archive)
Organisers: Roger Fagge and Nicolas Pillai
CFP – Global Circulations of Jazz
An international conference entitled “Global Circulations of Jazz” will be held on June 27-28, 2013, at the Musée du Quai Branly. Bringing together specialists, anthropologists, historians, musicologists, sociologists, the dissemination of jazz outside of its places of birth will be explored. We will look at this “other jazz”, whose history is little and poorly known. Jazz music circulated very early on and engendered particularly rich and fertile musical and cultural progeny around the world.
Papers are encouraged that will increase our understanding of the spread of jazz in South Africa, in Mauritius and in the Indian Ocean, South America and even in India and Asia. This “global” jazz prefigured the great movement of globalization of popular music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but remains poorly documented. The conference will bring together researchers from different countries, who have begun to address, preferably on an empirical basis, these secondary circuits of diffusion.
The conference will conclude with the screening of a documentary on the dissemination of jazz in India, Finding Carlton. Uncovering the Story of Jazz in India, followed by a discussion with the director, Susheel Kurien.
Organizing Committee:
Stéphane Dorin, CESSP (EHESS-CNRS-Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) – Catherine Servan-Schreiber, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS)
Panagiota Anagnostou (IEP Bordeaux) Anne Monier (EHESS), Nowak Florence (EHESS), Myrtille Picaud (EHESS).
Scientific Committee:
Chair: Steven Feld (University of New Mexico)
Marc Chemillier (EHESS), Stéphane Dorin (Université ? Paris 8), Tim Dowd (Emory University), Jean-Louis Fabiani (EHESS, CEU Budapest), Gisa Jähnichen (Humboldt-University of Berlin), Wenceslas Lizé (Université de Poitiers), Denis-Constant Martin (IEP Bordeaux), Carol Müller (University of Pennsylvania), Goffredo Plastino (University of Newcastle), Damon Phillips (Columbia), Olivier Roueff (CNRS), Marco Santoro (UniversitA? di Bologna), Catherine Servan-Schreiber (CNRS), Catherine Tackley (Open University).
Submitting papers:
This call for papers is aimed at scholars as well as doctoral students from various disciplines. Papers should rest on empirical work, while not being purely descriptive, and discuss the results, theoretical issues and methods. Papers around various countries and cultural areas are welcome, as well as those addressing the topics in a comparative perspective.
Proposals may be submitted in French or English. Each proposal shall contain the following:
- Author (s)
- Title (s)
- Affiliation (s)
- Discipline (s)
- Address (es)
- Title of the paper
- Summary (between 3000 and 4000 characters spaces included)
- Key references
Proposals should be sent in Word format before April 5, 2013 to the following address: